
Artificial casings

Production technology of#nbsp;artificial casings is#nbsp;constantly improving, new materials appear, and the range expands. Artificial casings not only retain the best properties of#nbsp;natural casings, but also meet higher requirements for such characteristics as:

  • size uniformity;
  • The possibility of#nbsp;marking and preparation for use without a#nbsp;lot of#nbsp;labor;
  • resistance to#nbsp;microorganisms;
  • a#nbsp;certain level of#nbsp;vapor permeability, gas permeability, thermal and moisture resistance;
  • high mechanical strength and elasticity;
  • The possibility of#nbsp;automating the process of#nbsp;filling and forming sausage sticks.

Artificial casings are divided into permeable and non-permeable. Among vapor- and smoke- permeable casings, the most common are protein, cellulose, and fibrous ones, and among impermeable ones#nbsp;— casings made of#nbsp;polymeric materials.

Each type of#nbsp;sausage casings has its own properties and features, which are taken into account in#nbsp;the production.

Collagen sausage casings are made from collagen extracted from the cut of#nbsp;beef skins. According to#nbsp;their technological and organoleptic characteristics they are the closest to#nbsp;natural casings. They are produced in#nbsp;different calibers. The casing is#nbsp;made as#nbsp;straight and circular (repeating the external shape of#nbsp;the intestine). These casings are produced colorless or#nbsp;colored by#nbsp;smoking color of#nbsp;different shades. The casings are strong enough, have good water and smoke permeability, are elastic, have adhesion to#nbsp;minced meat, have permanent calibers of#nbsp;filling, do#nbsp;not deform when heated, are resistant to#nbsp;bacterial contamination. They are used in#nbsp;the production of#nbsp;all kinds of#nbsp;sausages: cooked, semi-smoked, cooked-smoked and raw smoked.

Edible collagen casing for sausages and wieners made of#nbsp;high-quality beef collagen. Suitable for the production of#nbsp;sausages, wieners, cooked-smoked, raw smoked sausages and sausage semi-finished products. It#nbsp;has a#nbsp;stable filling caliber, vapor permeability and gas permeability, which allows to#nbsp;preserve the flavor of#nbsp;smoked products for a#nbsp;long time. The collagen casing gives the finished sausage products an#nbsp;excellent appearance and good biteability.

Cellulose casings are made from raw materials of#nbsp;plant origin (cellulose). Cellulose casing has a#nbsp;number of#nbsp;advantages: it#nbsp;is#nbsp;characterized by#nbsp;excellent permeability to#nbsp;steam and smoke, which allows to#nbsp;preserve the taste and smell of#nbsp;the product for a#nbsp;long time. It#nbsp;has a#nbsp;high tensile strength in#nbsp;transverse and longitudinal direction.

Fibrous sausage casings are made of#nbsp;natural long fiber paper impregnated with cellulose. Fibrous is#nbsp;a#nbsp;strong and stable storage material that provides bacterial protection to#nbsp;sausage products and a#nbsp;long shelf life. The casing has several degrees of#nbsp;adhesion and a#nbsp;wide range of#nbsp;colors.

Polyamide sausage casings are made of#nbsp;impermeable, oriented multi-layer polyamide. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;the most durable type of#nbsp;casing, which allows to#nbsp;increase the shelf life of#nbsp;any sausage products up#nbsp;to#nbsp;45 days and more. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;the most innovative and actively developing trend in#nbsp;the production of#nbsp;sausage casings and packaging. Such casing is#nbsp;mainly used in#nbsp;the production of#nbsp;cooked sausages, hams, pates.

Sausage production uses moisture- and gas-tight polyamide casings. In#nbsp;this casing the products remain inaccessible to#nbsp;foreign odors and water vapors, so#nbsp;the sausage retains its original taste, freshness and aroma.

For the production of#nbsp;all kinds of#nbsp;cooked, semi-smoked and cooked-smoked sausages produced by#nbsp;technology that includes smoking (roasting with smoke) permeable polyamide sausage casings are used.

For the production of#nbsp;sausages, wieners, bratwurst and mini-sausages produced by#nbsp;technologies that include smoking (roasting with smoke) and as#nbsp;an#nbsp;alternative to#nbsp;cellulose sausage casings permeable polyamide sausage casings are used. These casings have increased smoke permeability and improved removability.
2023-02-11 19:11